Fight for Joy! Blog
Where Jesus Changes Everything
Have you ever wanted to go “all in” for Jesus—fully devoted, holding nothing back? If so, you’re not alone. Every true follower of Christ wrestles with the desire to live completely for Him while struggling against the pull of sin, distractions, and the demands of everyday life.
The tension is real. On one hand, we have a new nature in Christ that longs to follow Him completely (2 Corinthians 5:17). On the other, our old nature still tugs at us, making obedience a daily battle (Galatians 5:17). The Apostle Paul himself described this inner conflict: “For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate.” (Romans 7:15) If even Paul struggled, then we shouldn’t be surprised when we feel the same tension. But here’s the truth: following Jesus fully is possible—not because of our strength, but because of His grace and the power of the Holy Spirit. 1. Surrender Completely to Jesus – Every Day The first step is total surrender. Jesus said: “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” (Luke 9:23) Notice the word daily. It’s not a one-time decision; it’s a lifestyle. Some days, surrendering is easy—our hearts feel full of love for Jesus. Other days, our flesh fights back. We might resist His will because it’s uncomfortable, inconvenient, or costly. But here’s the key: every day, we must choose Jesus over ourselves. Even when it’s hard. Even when we don’t feel like it. Even when the world tells us to do otherwise. Practical step: Start your day with a prayer of surrender. Say, “Lord, not my will, but Yours be done” (Luke 22:42). 2. Pursue a Deep Relationship with God – Even When It’s Hard If we’re honest, reading the Bible and spending time in prayer isn’t always easy. There are mornings when we’d rather sleep in or scroll through our phones. But if we truly want to go all in for Jesus, we need to prioritize our relationship with Him above all else. Jesus calls us to abide in Him: “Abide in me, and I in you… apart from me, you can do nothing.” (John 15:4-5) Some days, spending time with God will feel amazing. Other days, it will feel like a chore. But we don’t seek Him for the 'feelings'—we seek Him because He is worthy and because we desperately need Him. Practical step: Schedule time with God every day, just as you would with a close friend. Even if you don’t 'feel' anything, stay consistent. 3. Share the Gospel Boldly – Even When You’re Afraid I’ll admit—there have been times I felt the Holy Spirit nudging me to share Jesus with someone, and I hesitated. Why? Because of fear. Fear of rejection, fear of saying the wrong thing, fear of looking foolish. But Jesus calls us to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19-20). The gospel isn’t just good news—it’s the best news. And if we truly believe that, how can we keep it to ourselves? Yes, sharing our faith can be uncomfortable. But our love for Christ and for others should outweigh our fear. Practical step: Pray for boldness (Acts 4:29). Then, step out in faith and start small—share your testimony, invite someone to church, or simply start a conversation about Jesus. 4. Choose Holiness Over Comfort Living for Jesus isn’t just about what we do—it’s also about what we avoid. In a world that celebrates sin, choosing holiness is hard. Jesus said, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments” (John 14:15). That means we reject sin, even when it’s tempting. We guard our minds, our words, and our actions. But here’s the struggle: sin still feels appealing at times. Our old nature fights against holiness. We might justify small compromises. We might think, 'Just this once.' This is why we need the Holy Spirit. On our own, we fail. But when we rely on His strength, He helps us live in a way that honors Christ (Galatians 5:16). Practical step: Ask God to reveal areas of compromise in your life. Then, take action to remove temptation. 5. Be Ready to Sacrifice – Even When It Costs You Jesus made it clear: following Him comes at a cost. He said, “Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple.” (Luke 14:27) For some, that cost is financial. For others, it’s giving up a dream, a relationship, or even personal safety. I once heard a pastor say, 'If your faith doesn’t cost you anything, you’re not doing it right.' That hit me hard. Am I willing to give up everything for Christ if He asks? Some days, my heart says, 'Yes!' Other days, I hesitate. That’s why we must keep our eyes on eternity. The sacrifices we make now pale in comparison to the glory of knowing Christ (Philippians 3:8). Practical step: Ask God what He’s calling you to surrender. Then, take a step of faith and obey. 6. Keep Going – Even When You Fail Let’s be honest: we’re going to mess up. We’re going to have days where we fall short, where we struggle, where we feel distant from God. But failure isn’t final. Jesus didn’t choose perfect disciples—He chose people who would fail and get back up. Peter denied Jesus three times, yet Jesus restored him and used him mightily (John 21:15-19). The key to going all in isn’t never failing—it’s never giving up. Keep pursuing Jesus. Keep repenting. Keep pressing forward. Practical step: When you fail, don’t run from God—run to Him. Confess your sin, receive His grace, and start fresh. Final Thought Going all in for Jesus is a daily decision. It’s not always easy. In fact, it’s often a struggle. But it’s worth it. Jesus is worth it. The world will try to pull us away. Our flesh will resist. But if we keep our eyes on Christ, if we abide in Him, if we rely on His strength—we can live fully for Him, one day at a time. And one day, when we stand before Him, we’ll hear the words: “Well done, good and faithful servant” (Matthew 25:23).
We're already 20 days into 2025, and I’ve been reflecting deeply on what truly matters in my life and calling (Ps. 39:4). This year, I’m renewing my focus on four key goals that guide my personal and spiritual journey. These goals are not just aspirations but commitments that shape how I live, serve, and grow in Christ—at least that’s my hope and prayer!
In 2016, I survived a classic widow-maker heart attack, followed by bypass surgery—a life-altering event that shattered any illusions of invincibility I once held. That experience gave me a stark reminder of life’s brevity and the importance of running my race with purpose (James 4:14). Now, at 53, with heart disease and a family history where most of the men in my family have died in their early 70s, I feel as though I’m entering the final laps of my race. This perspective gives me both urgency and clarity. Whether the Rapture occurs soon or I exit this life through death, I want to finish strong—running hard, pouring out my life for Christ, and crossing the finish line with joy. These goals, which echo what I once described as "Treasure Christ ~ Live the Word ~ Make Disciples ~ Finish Well," serve as my roadmap for living with passion and purpose in 2025 and beyond. 1. Delight in Christ – Finding my deepest joy and satisfaction in Him. 2. Embody Scripture – Living out God’s Word in every area of life. 3. Cultivate Disciples – Sharing the gospel and equipping others to grow in their faith. 4. Persevere to the End – Remaining faithful to Christ no matter the challenges. Each of these goals is anchored in my desire to glorify God and grow in His grace. For the next several weeks, I’m focusing on what it means to truly Delight in Christ. Psalm 37:4 says, “Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.” This verse invites us to center our joy in Him, trust His promises, and experience the transformation that comes from knowing Him deeply. I challenge you to join me in this journey. What does it mean to delight in Christ? To delight in the Lord is to find your deepest joy and satisfaction in Him. It’s a posture of the heart that values His presence above all else. It means:
Delighting in Christ is not just a momentary feeling—it’s a lifestyle. It’s about reorienting our hearts to treasure Him above all else. When we do, we discover the truth of Psalm 37:4: He doesn’t just give us what we want; He becomes what we want. Take time to reflect on where you find your joy. Are you chasing temporary pleasures, or are you rooted in the eternal delight of knowing Christ? Choose to delight in Him today, and let the desires of your heart be shaped by His perfect love and wisdom. What are some ways you delight in Christ? Share your thoughts in the comments below. Let’s encourage one another to find joy in Him this week! |
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January 2025
Striving to glorify God by becoming more like Jesus.
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