A Worldwide Partnership, Laboring as One to Fulfill the Great Commission“The sheer emotional impact of witnessing Jesus’ life and death—particularly His crucifixion—also explains part of the film’s appeal .… Perhaps the true source of the film’s power, however, is this: It conveys the Word of God, especially the Gospel of Luke, with virtual word-for-word faithfulness.” — Eric Bridges, International Mission Board
Inspiring Facts About “JESUS”: More than 200 million men, women and children have indicated decisions to know Christ after viewing the film in their heart language. Through Jesus Film® media someone says “yes” to the Lord every second. It’s a universally recognized tool for global evangelism and church planting. Thank you for joining the team of friends committed to seeing lives changed, now and for eternity! In coming emails I’ll be sharing more encouraging stories and reports from around the world as more than 1,800 ministry partners use “JESUS.” Great is our God!